Where are my pants? Celebrate getting back to work with a special event
For many companies, the days of WFH (work from home), endless Zoom calls, athleisure “business attire” (AKA, sweat pants) and dare we say, no-pants required … will soon come to an end. The past year has been difficult for many reasons, but eventually, we will return to the office and face-to-face interactions with coworkers, clients and friends.
People are social animals, and we’ve all been caged up way too long. Why not start off on a positive, feel-good note and mark the long-awaited occasion of getting back to the office and back to business face-to-face with a special, live event?
What type of “Back to Business” events should you plan?
Live events will resume as the threat of COVID-19 declines but they will be different. For one thing, social distancing in some shape or form will be with us for a while. The tone and vibe of events will also vary depending on what’s going on in your community and challenges your company and employees have faced over the past year.
But gather together we must—our sanity depends on it! Here are a few ideas for live events to plan this year as we take on 2021.
We’re getting the “band” back together! (employee appreciation event)
Most of your employees haven’t been in the same room with each other for nearly a year. That may have been a good thing at the time, based on widespread questionable hygiene during quarantine syndrome … However, once you’re all back in the office, it’s a great time to celebrate getting the “band” back together and all you have overcome and accomplished together since March 2020.
An event to welcome employees back can help boost morale and be that important first step toward re-normalizing daily face-to-face interaction (showered and in real clothes). You can also set aside time to level set on expectations for work life moving forward, address questions or concerns and celebrate wins you’ve had in recent months.
On the road again, it’s time for sales reps to get on the road again … (sales kick-off event)
Many sales organizations had a rough year in 2020, with sales quotas missing the mark. While that is understandable during a once-in-a-generation pandemic, things are turning up. Many industries have seen a gradual uptick in sales in late 2020 and expect to see a robust turnaround in 2021.
You know what that means … It’s time for an awesome sales kick-off event! The vaccine roll-out will be well under way before we know it, with reps feeling more comfortable about traveling and more clients open to seeing them (in-person).
Start planning now for a Q2 or Q3 sales kick-off event to keep excitement building and adrenaline pumping, as your sales reps transition away from virtual sales and get ready to get back to what they do best—meeting clients face-to-face.
Thank you for being a friend and loyal client (client appreciation event)
We’re sorry, but emails, Zoom meetings and regular old phone calls don’t build or reinforce rapport like face-to-face meetings do. While it might be some time before we can shake hands or bear hug our favorite clients, resuming in-person client appreciation events and other corporate events should be on your to-do list this year.
After all the ups and downs and wacky things we’ve been through—not to mention the extended halt to trade shows and conferences—clients are clamoring to get together with colleagues and vendors again, face-to-face. May we add, many are looking forward to gathering together and having fun!
Again, vaccinations, safety precautions and social distancing measures will be with us for a while but more clients will be willing to gather in the coming months. Planning a special event to show your appreciation will go a long way toward re-cementing those relationships, as we break on through to the other side of this pandemic.
Where should you host your “Get Back to Business” event? Get creative! Even better, get outside!
While the first option that comes to mind may be “at your office,” why not think big (or at least bigger)? Whether you’re welcoming employees back to the office or hosting a special event for VIPs, one option you may want to consider is hosting your event outdoors.
Since the pandemic, many people feel considerably more comfortable mingling outdoors in the fresh air. When planned the right way, outdoor events can also provide a fun and festival-like atmosphere—whether it’s held at a green space near your office building or a park close by.
At TTG, we love helping clients plan outdoor events and can assist with everything from temporary modular buildings and concert stages to entertainment and concessions and more. We can also help bring an assortment of branding elements into your outdoor space, including branded, modular event structures, signage, interactive displays and more.
Need more ideas for a “Get Back to Business” event for employees, clients and industry friends?
The Trade Group is here to help! We’ve specialized in the planning and execution of live events for more than 30 years. While we’re known for our trade show expertise, we also love coming up with fun and innovative ideas for corporate events and bringing them to life.
TTG also has everything you need to hold a safe, socially-distanced event (from signage to PPE to safety barriers and more) until we kick this pandemic to the curb. (Check out our COVID-19 Resources here.) When you’re ready to plan your next face-to-face event, give us a call at 800-343-2005 to get the ball rolling.
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